measuring a connection MTU

I did end up on this link but the command which is suggested do not seem to be valid on a Devuan GNU Linux system.

Instead… ping -s 996

Ping itself gives the total count +28 bytes of IP and ICMP headers.

Why all of this? well, for instance 996(1024) is the maximum MTU on a roaming simcard over the WINDTRE network in Italy… 1436(1464) over PosteMobile (non-roaming). Since I do have an OpenVPN on port 443/TCP which accepts only connections from known IPs… well, I had to go over my german symcard’s network to reach home.

Now fiddling with link-mtu and tun-mtu… stay tuned

Third Async Cats Meetup

incontro berlinese sulla gestione di team remoti

Async Cat Herding

Our third meetup will be slightly unusual in that instead of being a brief lunch session we’ll try and bring enough speakers together for an afternoon session. The idea was born at Europace: After our last meetup Stefan Rudnitzki approached me the idea of hosting a “complete afternoon meetup all around innovative management techniques over at Europace”. We quickly picked a date, reached out to interesting speakers and booked the meetup space.

Please make sure to register online.

As at least some talks will be German only, as such the announcement will be kept in German below.

Innovative team management techniques Meetup @ Europace

Hallo zusammen,

die Europace AG plant gemeinsam mit Async Cat Herding am 28. Februar 2017 einen Nachmittag rund um das Thema innovativer Team Management Methoden. Das Ganze findet bei der Europace AG (eine Tochter der Hypoport AG) in der Klosterstraße 71 in Mitte statt. Euch…

View original post 398 more words

bullied by Tegel airport security

UPDATE 16/6/’14: I got a police letter today apologizing for the the behaviour of the airport personnel: “Ich möchte mich an dieser Stelle für das Verhalten der beiden Mitarbeiter entschuldigen und bedauere, dass Ihnen dadurch Unbehagen entstanden ist”.

Remains unclear the choice regarding the minced meat if it is a liquid or not, I left that to them to clarify as it is totally on a rule-of-thumb basis…. since the industry is putting a mark in milligrams on its plastic containers and not milliliters. THIS WAS IT>

UPDATE 23/5/’14: A police representative wrote me back that they are investigating about the event and they’ll keep me posted as soon as they have gathered some facts about the incident.

UPDATE 15/5/’14: I got contacted on Monday, 12th May, by the person in charge of customer experience at the Berlin Airports. Seems that those guys are reporting directly to the border police officers. I’ll try to contact them

short-version of long story: I was travelling from TXL to MXP carrying 2 snacks of german teewurst (meat) to be spread on bread the guy at the security asked me to trash it, without thinking twice I went to the bin, which was full, so I left them on top of it

but then I realized that I was entitled to carry them, as a) they were not liquids, or at least their measurement on the box is obviously not in milliliters but in gramms… and b) even if they could argue it was a liquid thing, they definitely were under the 100ml each … so, I asked why I had to trash them > the same guy replied that I was not entitled, I argued instead that I was, he carried on… then at that point I asked to talk to his manager


his manager argued I couldn’t… then finally one of their colleagues pointed out they were not in a resealable-transparent-plastic-bag… they were instead in their plastic container, in a normal shopping plastic bag… I asked for one, but they refused me one… I then argued that they should have had them available, and the manager harshily replied that was not supposed to be the case… at that point I gave up and went to the gate

2nd attempt

I passed through the duty free area, and I asked to such a bag, I kindly got one, and I went back to the security to retrieve my goods > wrong, I was pushed back cause the bag was not transparent… gave up, went back to the gate, returning the bag at the duty free

3rd attempt

they guy at the duty free then kindly came back to me again, with a bag, with a zip, transparent… it was perfect… I went back to security > at this stage, with a big smile on their faces, the guys at the gate pointed out that _by_coincidence_ the cleaning guy passed by and pushed my goods inside the trash bin… so, if I wanted I could dig into it to retrieve it…


at that point I was out of myself… outraged, offended, humiliated, I asked the guy that had me trash them to provide his name; he refused the name, and had no identification sign on his clothes … I was almost missing my flight, I went back to the gate


at home, I wrote on Berlin Airport communication form, but as of now (3 days later, weekend has passed) I have no answer whatsover > I want to reach the HR department, walk over with a security officer to the gate and identify the guy: if anybody from Tegel airport is reading this, it was the security personnel, of a third party company, in charge at 18:15 (on Friday 9th May ’14) at the security screening towards gate C68

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further reading

offro lavoro

abbiamo budget per l’assunzione di 3 persone in Sony Playstation
datacenter engineer
sospesa sino ad agosto… per il momento non stiamo conducendo colloqui)
– network engineer
– security engineer*
* si, lo so che il job posting e’ per gli states, ma c’e’ la posizione gemella a Berlino

vi faccio io un prescreening in inglese via skype (il mio ID e’ zeph1ro, aggiungetemi),
non mandatemi curriculum in italiano perche’ finiranno direttamente nel cestino 😉
(si, ho scritto questo post in italiano per intercettare le vs ricerche su google)

p.s. lo aggiungo (non si sa mai),
posizione della madonna come *SENIOR* C++ developer, ma dovete avere il visto USA

bollettino lavoro

cerchiamo 50 sviluppatori, preferibilmente PHP, da assumere entro Giugno ’13, su Berlino
e 3 sistemisti senior… stipendio medio, per i sistemisti, 50k lordi (tassazione tedesca, sede Berlino) … applicate tramite , tranne le posizioni da sistemista… scrivete direttamente a Gianluca Varisco (se non lo sapete googlare e’ meglio che evitate di applicare) – altro disclaimer – se applicate, e NON sapete l’inglese, fate perdere tempo a entrambi

e dulcis in fundo… (per questi commentate pure sotto al post, vi ripesco io)
una persona da assumere su Sarnico, come sviluppatore, per una ditta che si occupa di trading di energia … oltre a un internet service provider, che copre Lombardia e Veneto, che cerca uno che ne sappia di networking

ora, la crisi c’e’, ma come vedete lavori cmq ci sono… vediamo chi applica


volando da Berlino a Catania… passando per la Costa Dalmata (3za, 4a, 5a foto e Napoli, col Vesuvio


fatemi capire… sin l’altro giorno, si moriva di caldo… con un vento gelido, per cui si girava comunque con l’impermeabile per non venir messi KO a letto (sudi > vento gelido > no buono)

oggi, ci sono 26°C … e’ tutto il giorno che sudo come non so che… ho levato la maglietta a maniche lunghe e nonostante fossi con una sola t-shirt crepavo cmq di caldo

ora, incuriosito sono andato a vedermi le statische dei cambi di temperature stagionali tra Berlino, Bergamo e San Francisco… cosa ne salta fuori? che a Berlino abbiamo quasi 35°C di sbalzo tra la minima di -5°C (a cui non credo molto, visto che l’inverno scorso avevamo ~ -20°C) e una massima di +30°C (estate scorsa erano quasi 35°C, questi paiono dati del 2007)

cmq, andando a vedere invece la California, siamo a uno sbalzo termico tra +6°C (minima invernale) e +18°C (massima estiva), per un soli 12°C di differenza… oltre a piovere quasi nulla (notare come Bergamo sia tra i 3 il posto piu’ piovoso)

…se non fosse per i terremoti che affliggono la California, per i casini col visto, per il sistema sociale inesistente, e per gli affetti che rimarrebbero lontani in Europa, sarebbe da prendere e andare subito




Ma perche’ da noi il Pfand non viene applicato? E’ una tassa sugli imballaggi delle bibite. Sia che siano di vetro, sia che siano di plastica. Pochi centesimi, che il negozio ti deve rimborsare se gli riporti il contenitore vuoto, ma integro. Se non lo fai perdi quei soldi… il piu’ delle volte vedo barboni che raccolgono per le strade bottigliette e lattine lasciate abbandonate. Non e’ solo un modo per tenere pulita la citta’, e’ un modo anche per lasciar raccimolare qualche spicciolo a chi un lavoro non lo ha o non puo’ averlo, senza che debbano chiedere l’elemosina. E’ un Win Win, per usare un termine in voga nel marketing. Perche’ in Italia non lo applichiamo?

Wikipedia: vuoto a rendere

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