non troverete mai gente

Ok, sono fuori dall’Italia dal 2008 (rientrato con la legge cervelli in fuga ma cmq mantenendo i miei clienti esteri). Oramai il mio curriculum e’ in mano a svariate agenzie le quali mi chiamano con progetti che partono “domani” e che hanno un chiaro budget a disposizione di cosa vogliono/possono spendere come tariffa oraria.

Secondo voi, io a uno cosi’, dovrei stare a rispondere?

Posto che sto lavorando con una media di 220 giornate fatturabili annue… per cui NON ho bisogno di altro lavoro, semmai di continuare ad alzare le mie tariffe orarie (signori, viviamo in un mondo capitalista, non stiamo a prenderci in giro).

Se le aziende italiane vogliono trovare (tradotto: se vogliono essere competitive su un mercato globale) devono fare un salto di qualita’ a livello di ricerca di personale.

…e non piangere miseria sui giornali che non trovano personale specializzato

AGGIORNAMENTO: così si fa un un annuncio di lavoro se volete essere presi in considerazione …

quasi 13anni di esilio

…autoinflitto, tra l’altro. Sono partito da casa dei miei appena dopo pasqua del 2008. Lo ricordo bene perche’ mi sono tenuto gelosamente la registrazione all’anagrafe di Dusseldorf datata 21 Aprile 2008. Una settimana prima l’avevo spesa a Londra, lavorando dall’ufficio di Vodafone Group allo Strand, un mega ufficio vista Tamigi in condivisione con il colosso petrolifero Shell.

Ne sono successe parecchie di cose nel frattempo. Gli anni sono volati, e stanotte sto smontando casa, letteralmente. Ho appena liberato la camera degli ospiti dal divano-letto per poter avere posto per inscatolare e prepararmi al trasloco, si torna in Italia.

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
    And never breathe a word about your loss;

un passaggio dal poema “se” If – di Kipling

Ho paura, ansia ed eccitazione tutte insieme. Sono alla soglia dei 41 anni, non ho famiglia, ma ho una carriera. “Non bisogna andare in Germania” dicevano in “Amici Miei” al povero Paolo, vedovo capitato vittima di un gruppo goliardico. Eppure torno, con tanti ricordi, amici, esperienze, un inglese quasi perfetto, un tedesco da scappato di casa. Riparto dall’Italia, da dove sono cresciuto, da cio’ che amo: vela & montagna.

Ci vediamo tra Orobie, Franciacorta & Arcipelago della Maddalena.

EU way of life

I dreamt of living like in the United States of America, taking my car one morning, moving city, job, friends, life. Milan, Barcelona, Paris, London, Frankfurt, Berlin, Dublin.

An American would just do it. For us, Europeans, is not that easy as it seems.

We got used to get around with no borders, just our national identification card, no passport. One currency, no work permit needed.

You move, you get into a new job, maybe given the perspective of working with the holy dream of a common working language, like English. Well, keep dreaming. Reality is something else. Start getting used to the hateful sentence: “You live in xyz, you need to speak the language of xyz!“. There, all your dreams of a United States of Europe fail in a fraction of a second.

You just moved, you signed the contract of the above mentioned job, that might be bilingual (local xyz legal language, and hopefully English too). But the, you need to get:

  1. new tax id code of country xyz you decided to move to
  2. new bank account in country xyz, despite in the EU the IBAN should have avoided this… go figure and tell the HR (human resources) badly paid lady that just sees you as somebody stealing a decent job in their mother country
  3. new health insurance contract, as your EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) is valid only 6 months bound to the country you are relocating from
  4. new utilities contracts for your apartment: internet, gas, energy
  5. new rental contract (mortgage and related stuff is another nightmare)
  6. new driving licence (yes, you have to give up your old one within 6 months)

All of the above points, to be done in the language xyz of country xyz.

I moved to Germany, I’m Italian, speaking fluent English, with not a single word of German when I moved 8 years ago. For no f***ing reason I’d do this again moving to yet another country in the EU where I do not know the language.

Believe me, it is damn frustrating.

Not to mention that, if you are coming from one of the so called PIIGS countries (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain) you’ll be seen exactly as you might have been used to see gypsies. You are not welcome. Everybody will remember that to you on the street every damn day.

I love living in Berlin, I earned the respect and the trust of locals who know me.

Go, if you got the chance, go. Take an ERASMUS, take a job, a girlfriend/boyfriend. Go abroad, be a better person, open your mind. It is the only way to have an open Europe.

But… be prepared 😉


is the Galaxy S6 Edge the only LTE phone for US/EU travellers?

I mean, I live in Germany, but I work for an american company based in Orange County (Southern California, USA) and Verizon seems to be the king over there as the CDMA technology allows them to cover 10 times the range of what a GSM tower can cover. Verizon is NO option for a european like me as to have their simcard you need to have a phone that they purchased in batches and registered in their infrastructure. You cannot bring in your own phone, even if the tech specs of the phone are fine. You simply can’t. Well, they won’t you let BYOD (bring your own device). Unless it is an iPhone 6s [probably Apple forced them to preemptively register all their IMEIs in the network]


If you are living in Germany, you do need a phone that has the LTE FDD frequencies 3,7 and 20 (in MHz 1800, 2600 and 800) according to

If you live in Italy, same set of frequencies.

If you wanna travel to US, and don’t wanna have to purchase a phone from Verizon (it will take you at least 6 months of contract with them to get it unlocked… so, until you can put in your italian/german simcard) you have to go for T-Mobile. Therefore… frequencies LTE FDD 2,4 and 12 (again in MHz 1900, 1700 and 700a -> no clue what’s the “a” stands for) Check for further details.

Well… the only phone that has LTE FDD frequencies 2,3,4,7,12,20 all in one, is the Samsung S6 EDGE ->

It also has at least one match for Docomo (Japanese carriere) required frequencies: LTE FDD 1 (2100 MHz) … forget about the others: 9(3), 19(5,26) and 28. It was already a miracle for me to put my hands on a prepaid “data only” simcard while in Tokyo on spring last year. Apparently you cannot have a “voice” simcard unless you are a resident…

Has anybody else found another phone suitable for a “global traveller”? Possibly cheaper than the S6 😉 …and maybe dual-sim too… k, now I’m asking too much I guess. 😀

UPDATE: [strike out 1] The Nexus 5X as it has all the frequencies I need plus it is a an LTE Cat 6 phone [strike out 2] The Sony Xperia Z5 (it has also an internal microSD slot) The Motorola Moto X Style (more cost effective, and has up to 128Gb microSSD card slot) is most likely to be my next phone. Thanks to Fra Costa for introducing me to Project Fi (very cool indeed, but I’m not US based). Here is a list of all the other LTE Cat 6 devices…  (not only Cat6)



cervelli in fuga

(Copio e incollo dal post su facebook. Sono felice di aver fatto parte del progetto)
Aladino A. Amantini: Sono molto fiero di questo video. Quasi quanto lo sono dei miei amici

Con la partecipazione di (tra gli altri):

Se siete interessati a Sailing Film, il progetto di Jacopo:
Se siete interessati ai progetti tecnici di Renato:
Se siete interessati a Gaia Italia, il progeto di Giacomo:
Se siete interessati ad andare a lavorare in Olanda con Fernando e Andrea sentite me (da oggi cacciatore di teste)
Music Title: brain Author Frankie C
Licence: Creatice Commons 3.0 (Attribution – No Derivative Works)

mani nei capelli

ricevo questa, pretendono sia una job description… non ho parole
(ma che razza di mercato del lavoro c’e’ in Italia?)

Conoscenze: ETL, ETL Informatica PowerCenter
Skill: buona autonomia di produzione nell’ambito delle direttive date
Luogo lavoro: provincia di Bergamo
Note: ottimo team di lavoro in ambiente professionalizzante; attività di notevole spessore tecnico